West Orange County Chamber of Commerce Member Appointed to Serve on Charter Review Commission
In 1986, Orange County voters elected to adopt the charter form of government. As a result, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), conducts a new charter review by a commission appointed by the BCC every four years. West Orange Chamber of Commerce member Angel de la Portilla, President of Central Florida Strategies, has been appointed to the Charter Review Commission (CRC), which is the reviewing group. While the CRC is not allowed to change the charter, this group does decide questions, if there are any, to put forth to vote, with a report published 60 days prior to elections allowing voters time to make suggestions for changes. There are at least four public hearings for CRC meetings.
To find out more about the Charter Review Commission, any upcoming meetings, or prior meeting minutes, go to: https://occompt.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. You may also email charter2024@occompt.com or, call (407) 836-7300 for additional information or questions.
About West Orange Chamber of Commerce
Founded in 1972, the West Orange Chamber of Commerce (WOCC) serves as the leading business advocate in Central Florida by advancing community, collaboration, and leadership for its 1,000 member businesses. Learn more about how the Wet Orange Chamber of Commerce can help grow your business, by visiting wochamber.com/grow-with-us/.