To improve traffic flow and relieve congestion at the SR 429/CR 535 interchange, the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) is building new ramps to and from Stoneybrook West Parkway. This work, occurring nearly a mile south of the SR 429/CR 535 interchange, includes a new exit ramp from southbound SR 429 to Stoneybrook West Parkway and a new entrance ramp from Stoneybrook West Parkway to northbound SR 429. Auxiliary lanes and All-Electronic Tolling (AET, also known as Pay By Plate) are being added as well. Drivers with an E-PASS or other accepted electronic transponders will save on Pay By Plate charges. The work is scheduled to begin in mid-February and is expected to last eight months.Lane Closures During construction, motorists can expect night-time lane closures on SR 429 and Stoneybrook West Parkway to accommodate work crews. Most work is planned during the day, although there likely also will be some night work.   Work Zone Safety For the safety of motorists and work crews, speed limits will be strictly enforced during construction. Speeding fines are doubled in work zones when workers are present. Motorists are reminded to change lanes for safety when they see Road Rangers assisting other motorists or flashing lights – it’s Florida law.   Public Information For more information, contact the Public Information Officer at Ph. 407-383-5817
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