SJRWMD grants funding to Town of Oakland for septic to sewer project
SJRWMD grants funding to Town of Oakland for septic to sewer project
OAKLAND, FL — During the St. Johns River Water Management District’s (SJRWMD) Governing Board’s meeting this week, the Board approved project rankings for the annual Districtwide Cost-share Program and the Rural Economic Development Initiative/Innovative Cost-share Program. Included in the 34 projects that will share up to $24 million is the Oakland Hull Avenue Septic to Sewer project, which is slated for $429,800. All funds are contingent upon approval of the District’s fiscal year 2020-2021 adopted budget.
The Oakland Hull Avenue Septic to Sewer project includes converting septic tank parcels to sanitary sewer service and includes the construction of approximately 3,800 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer; 14 manholes and approximately 48 lateral sewer connections for 46 residential lots, two commercial lots, and three vacant lots. Approximately 37% of residents within the community have committed to hooking up to sewer when it becomes available. The project is located just a half mile south of Lake Apopka and is within the Wekiwa – Rock Springs Springshed.
“The Town of Oakland is grateful that this important project was included in the Governing Board’s prioritized funding for Districtwide and Rural Economic Development Initiative/ Innovative Cost-Share Programs, which benefit water resources within the District,” wrote Mayor Kathy Stark in a letter to SJRWMD Executive Director Dr. Ann Shortelle. “We are pleased that this project was identified as one that supports the District’s four core missions.”
Those missions include water supply, water quality improvement, natural systems restoration and flood protection.
“As we continue to grow, it is our goal to do so in a manner that protects our area’s precious natural resources for generations to come,” added Mayor Stark.