State Constitutional Amendments That Will Appear On The 2022 General Election Ballot
What a YES or NO Vote means:
Amendment 1 – Authorizes the state legislature to pass laws prohibiting flood resistance improvements made to a home from being taken into consideration when determining a property’s assessed value for property tax purposes
A “yes” vote supports authorizing the state legislature to pass laws prohibiting flood resistance improvements to a home from being taken into consideration when determining a property’s assessed value for property tax purposes.
A “no” vote opposes the amendment, thereby continuing to allow flood resistance improvements to a home to be taken into consideration when determining a property’s assessed value for property tax purposes.
Amendment 2 – Abolishes the Florida Constitution Revision Commission
A “yes” vote supports abolishing the Florida Constitution Revision Commission, a 37-member commission that meets every 20 years to propose changes to the state’s constitution and refer them to the statewide ballot for voter approval or rejection.
A “no” vote opposes abolishing the Florida Constitution Revision Commission.
Amendment 3 – Authorize the Florida State Legislature to provide an additional homestead property tax exemption on $50,000 of assessed value on property owned by certain public service workers including teachers, law enforcement officers, emergency medical personnel, active duty members of the military, and Florida National Guard, and child welfare service employees
A “yes” supports authorizing the Florida State Legislature to provide an additional homestead property tax exemption on $50,000 of assessed value on property owned by certain public service workers including teachers, law enforcement officers, emergency medical personnel, active duty members of the military and Florida National Guard, and child welfare service employees.
A “no” opposes authorizing the Florida State Legislature to provide an additional homestead property tax exemption on $50,000 of assessed value on property owned by certain public service workers.