New technology pumps Hospital Grade Air Quality round-the-clock in office suites as a precaution
May 11, 2020 – Orlando, Fla. – A week after the first phase of businesses reopening in
Florida, one can’t help but notice something different in the air in the office suites at
BIZCENTER USA in Orlando. The posh lobby and modern fully furnished private offices
smell more like hospital waiting rooms than corporate offices. The aroma stems from a
newly installed hospital-grade air filtration and purification system known as The Reme
Halo LED System, designed to stop coronavirus from spreading through air conditioning.
The Reme Halo LED system is designed to minimize bacteria, viruses, mold spores,
chemicals, odors and other pollutants that cause sick building syndrome and other diseases.
Developed by the RGF Environmental Group in Riviera Beach, Florida, the system
combines high-intensity UV light with an advanced all-natural oxidation technology known
as Photohydroionization® (PHI).
PHI technology claims to kill 99% of viruses such as MRSA, H1N1, Norovirus, Swine Flu,
and even the coronaviruses SARS-COV-1 and MERS-COV.
Entrepreneur and CEO Fernando Mariano, is one of the first in Orlando to install the PHI
technology system on four air conditioning units in his 4,400 square foot office complex at
6000 Metrowest Boulevard. BIZCENTER USA offers only private suites and not hot desks
or shared desks for the safer environment of its clients. The installation was done days
before the scholarly journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases wrote that improving
ventilation was another way to prevent the virus from spreading after reports indicated
that air-conditioning could spread the droplets.
The Environmental Health Committee of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommended that making changes to building
operations, including the improvement of existing HVAC systems, could potentially reduce
airborne transmission of the virus through air conditioning units.
“Hand-washing and using more hand sanitizer is good, but it’s not enough for clients to
confidently want to come back out into a clean work environment.” Mariano said, who is
also the president of BIZCENTER USA.
“I believe that having an advanced hospital grade air purification system operating all day
helps ensure a safe environment for our clients and their businesses. Yes, it smells like a
hospital, but that tells us that the purification system is working to cleanse the air in our
offices. Business as usual is now knowing that your safeguards are working well,” he