It’s day 232 (Week 34) and Florida is several weeks into Phase 3 of reopening our economy. The West Orange Chamber of Commerce (WOCC) has been working hard to bring you, our members, the most up to date information to help you and your organization during the election season and the pandemic.
Early voting commenced yesterday and will end on November 1st, just prior to the Election Day, Tuesday, November 3. This election cycle has already proven to be the must active with the highest return on Vote-by-Mail ballots in history. The last day to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot is October 24th. Election officials suggest that you mail your Vote-by-Mail ballot no later than October 26th. You can always return your completed Vote-by-Mail ballot to Early Voting locations and at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections (OCSOE) office located at 119 W. Kaley Street, Orlando. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, you can ONLY submit your completed Vote-by-Mail ballot at the OCSOE office or you can surrender it at your assigned voting precinct, and vote a regular ballot. To check the status of your “Vote by Mail” ballot click here
When voting, the WOCC in partnership with the Florida Chamber and the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, urge you to Vote NO on Amendment 2 – Raising Florida’s Minimum Wage. The WOCC Board of Directors values all individuals being gainfully employed at a fair starting wage, however, if approved, Amendment 2 would become a part of our state constitution and not be driven by the free market. Furthermore, this amendment would increase the starting rate of $15/hour annually with no recourse to adjust for economic conditions on a real time basis due to being mandatorily tied to inflation. As an integral part of the business community, the WOCC Leadership understands the role we play as employers and setting fair wages, however, strongly believes this is not the right solution for our community and state.
There are other State and Charter Amendments on the ballot this election cycle. Sometimes the language of the Amendments can be confusing. To help you better understand each of the Amendments, the WOCC has broken them down for you. Please find the Orange County Charter Amendments spelled out for you here and the State Amendments here .
The West Orange Political Alliance, a non-partisan political committee, the political action arm of the WOCC, formed to represent the best interests of West Orange County has also endorsed candidates and supported and opposed various amendments. To learn more about who and what WOPA supports, click here.
Elections are the way citizens can have their voices heard on all matters impacting us. The negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Florida’s economy, families, and businesses are a reality, but how we move forward will make the biggest difference on our road to recovery. The WOCC remains committed to following the CDC-recommended guidelines, wearing our masks when needed and keeping physically distanced. We know that together, we can work to flatten the curve, protect our must vulnerable citizens, and ensure that our members and their employees can continue going back to work safely. If you or someone you love has not been personally touched by COVID, you might be less inclined to keep up the safeguards. But trust me, when it does touch you or someone you love, you will understand the importance of keeping diligent on protecting you and others.
Thank you for your continued support of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Deborah Rios-Barnes