This week, many small businesses in 48 states are able to re-open, and the best way to describe the welcoming of customers on Main Street is a “nervous celebration.” 

I am so glad that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is arming local and state chambers of commerce with resources that are helping small business owners navigate through some of the complexities of re-opening.  The Digital Resources Center contains state-by-state reopening guidance, a Playbook for Small Businesses, a Standardized Employee Screening Questionnaire, and more.

I am even more comforted knowing that our resources will continue to evolve and be readily available for all our small business partners through our digital platform of

While we are doing everything possible to keep small businesses up-to-date, we are pushing Congress and the White House to make the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) work better and support Main Street’s re-opening efforts.  We are lobbying to make sure PPP loan recipients can benefit from annual business deductions.  And, we are leading a coalition effort to extend the PPP eight-week forgiveness period, repeal the 75%/25% spending limitations, and extend the June 30th date for rehiring workers.

Finally, we are working with the Senate to make sure that small business owners have certainty that following guidance to protect their employees and their customers will protect them from frivolous lawsuits.

—Tom Sullivan, Vice President, Small Business Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce