Commissioner Joseph McMullen honored with 2022 Home Rule Hero Award
OAKLAND, FL — The Florida League of Cities (FLC), celebrating its 100th anniversary as the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments, recently recognized Commissioner Joseph McMullen, Seat 4, with a 2022 Home Rule Hero Award for this hard work and advocacy efforts during the 2022 Legislative Session. Commissioner McMullen worked tirelessly throughout session to promote local voices making local choices, protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advance the League’s legislative agenda.
“On behalf of the League and its legislative team, we’re very proud to present this year’s Home Rule Hero Awards to a deserving group of municipal leaders,” said FLC Director of Legislative Affairs Casey Cook. “We had a record number of Home Rule Heroes this year, which shows the dedication and impact of local officials on behalf of their residents and businesses in protecting local decision-making. These local officials were constantly engaged and actively advocating for their communities throughout the 2022 Legislative Session. They’re heroes for Home Rule and we thank them for their efforts.”
Home Rule is the ability for a city to address local problems with local solutions with minimal state interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials, both elected and nonelected, who consistently responded to the League’s request to reach out to members of the legislature and help give a local perspective on an issue. “I love the State of Florida and have a strong passion for the Town of Oakland and the West Orange County Region,” said Commissioner McMullen. “Advocating for local towns, cities, and villages Home Rule which equals local decision making will always be a driving force and mission for me as an elected official which will result in Florida being one of the best states in the country.”
Commissioner McMullen has served the Town in Seat 4 since 2006. In early 2021, he was elected as President of the Board of Directors of the Tri-County League of Cities and was appointed as the Florida League of Cities Vice Chair of Land Use & Economic Development. He is the founder and Chairman of HAPCO Music Foundation, a non-profit organization which connects young people with arts and music programs to help them succeed in life.
A Miami native, he played baritone horn throughout his primary and secondary education years and attended college on a marching band scholarship.
He attended Florida A&M University and graduated with his B.S. in Pharmacy and Master Health Administration from Florida International University. For over 25 years, he has been a licensed Florida-registered and consultant pharmacist. At Centene HMO, he works as a Senior Clinical Pharmacist. He served in the military for the Air Force Reserves from 1989-95, attaining the rank of staff sergeant. Commissioner McMullen is also a member of the Florida League of Cities Growth Management and Economic Develop Committee, a board member of Matthew’s Hope and a member of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. He volunteers his time to several other community and civic organizations.
Founded in 1922, the Florida League of Cities is the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments. Its goals are to promote local self-government and serve the needs of Florida’s cities, which are formed and governed by their citizens. The League believes in “Local Voices Making Local Choices,” which focuses on the impact citizens and city leaders have in improving Florida’s communities. For more information, visit