Horizon West

Horizon West is a unique community located in southwest Orange County and is designed using the principles of Garden Cities and New Urbanism to create self-sustaining, mixed-use villages. As this area continues to grow over the next few decades, this foundation will ensure that new development contribute to a sense of place, environmental preservation, excellent architectural design, quality bicycle and pedestrian facilities and vibrant community gathering places.
Horizon West encompasses nearly 23,000 acres of former citrus groves. The devastating freezes of the 1980s were the impetus to institute appropriate master planning for the area’s urbanization over time.
This planning process began in 1994, when property owners and area residents, with County support, created a detailed community vision for Horizon West. A vision which centers each village around an elementary school, thereby creating a community focus to each village. When completed, Horizon West will include approximately 42,000 residential units within five residential villages and a town center to serve Horizon West’s villages as a downtown core with commercial office workplaces and higher density residential areas.
Horizon West has won numerous state and regional awards for planning, including recognition from the State of Florida as a Sector Plan; the first Sector Plan to be approved in the State. Horizon West provides a meaningful alternative to the leapfrog development pattern of sprawl by creating self-sustaining villages that provide housing close to regional workplaces and community services.