Plans are in development for a Dave’s House Residential Community for adults with serious mental illness (SMI). This purpose-designed community will include transitional and permanent supportive housing, providing residents affordable housing with centralized support services. It will be designed to provide residential comfort, privacy, and amenities, with common area services, a Day Program, and leisure amenities.   It is difficult, if not impossible, for homeless men and women with SMI to escape homelessness and live in recovery without the stability of permanent supportive housing, providing the support of behavioral health care providers alongside affordable homes.   Transitional supportive housing is a key step on our residents’ Road To Recovery. Residents receive recovery-oriented care and support services including mental health treatment and the establishment of mainstream social services benefits. They generally live in supportive transitional housing for up to 24 months.   The Dave’s House Residential Community will offer housing and services in one centralized location to serve more people and to create a stable environment for residents. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of this project.

As part of their ongoing recovery process, Dave’s House residents participate in activities and programs at Aspire’s Kate’s Place Clubhouse in College Park, which recently received accreditation from Clubhouse International, which works to end social and economic isolation for people with mental illness by growing the number and quality of Clubhouse rehabilitation programs worldwide. Accredited Clubhouses are recognized as operating with a high level of compliance with the International Standards for Clubhouse Programs™.