Empowering Our Community and Removing Barriers to Getting Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace Open Enrollment is back. From now until January 15, millions of people in Florida who purchase an individual health plan will be looking for a new plan to start on January 1, 2023.
Sadly, we know about 12 percent of our Florida residents remain uninsured. Lack of health insurance is a major barrier to getting care and impacts the overall health of our communities. A lot of uninsured people aren’t aware there’s financial assistance available to help them with the cost of health insurance—in many cases they could get a comprehensive health plan for $0. And most don’t know where to go for help or to ask questions.
This year may even be more challenging for many given the economy, ongoing effects of COVID-19, and the impact of the recent hurricane in our communities. Please know, we’re here to help with information and resources for the community.
getcoveredflorida.com provides a lot of simple and straight forward information for those who are uninsured or want to learn more about insurance. There is information on how health insurance works, key insurance terms, who is eligible for financial help and more.
We also offer personal, one-on-one help through our team of experts, along with our Neighborhood Nurses and Community Specialists, who are ready to answer questions about Marketplace coverage, how it works and what options are available. They’re available at our local Florida Blue Centers, either in person, through a virtual visit or by phone at 1-877-352-5830.
If you have upcoming meetings or events with groups that would benefit from learning more about the how Marketplace insurance works and the coverage options that are available, please let me know. We have teams available that can walk groups through the basics of insurance, and highlight some of the great perks many plans now offer to help keep individuals healthy.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our community. We value you as a community partner, and we are eager to work with you to continue to make Central Florida an even healthier place to live.
Tony Jenkins
Market President, Central Florida
Florida Blue