Homemade Fabric Mask Donations for Orlando Health
Orlando Health continues to be deeply humbled by the enormous outpouring of generosity at this time. As you are likely aware, many places across the country are experiencing a shortage of personal protective equipment. At Orlando Health, we are closely monitoring and managing our supply levels as the health and safety of our team members, patients and overall community remains our focus. To diversify our resources, and to allow a more comfortable mask option for non-clinical situations, we are now accepting homemade masks. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not consider the homemade masks a substitute for surgical masks or N-95 respirators, cloth masks may slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus in people who may not yet know they have COVID-19.
Donation specifics and locations can be found here: https://www.orlandohealth.com/covid-19/donations-with-locations#/COVID+19+Donation+Locations/