This month marks the 14th Anniversary of Matthew’s Hope, so why is there a Gopher Tortoise on the cover of Moving Forward Magazine? Well, I have about 10,000 reasons. We must ask ourselves, why do we have more compassion for a gopher tortoise than the homeless living in our communities.

Sadly, the homeless crisis is growing in our communities…and it really doesn’t matter whether you live in a Red State or Blue State, or if Biden or Trump is President. The truth is there is a lack of movement in addressing this growing crisis even though the need has grown by double digits year after year with our home state of Florida leading the growth nationally.

We need your help! This coming Monday Matthew’s Hope is having its annual Giving on the Green golf tournament at West Orange Country Club. You can purchase your foursome on this link:

In addition, on March 18th, Matthew’s Hope will be hosting the West Orange Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours. Please join us for an exciting evening of networking and learn what we’re doing here in Orange County to combat the homeless crisis. Unfortunately, Nonprofits, like Matthew’s Hope, do not have the resources to take this homegrown battle without the support of our Federal, State, County, and local leaders. While we have done our best to manage our growth both in terms of services offered and areas served, the resources required to serve the growing homeless population far exceed our capacity.

Spring is upon us, and Matthew’s Hope will continue to be proactive. We want to be at the forefront of the change we want to see in the communities we live in. Matthew’s Hope is a change maker, doing a lot with a little. We operate in the trenches. We see the homeless individuals we serve as real people worthy of our love and compassion. They are mothers, fathers, disabled Veterans, and children. If not us, then who? Giving up is not an option.

I would like to thank our community partners, sustaining donors… without you, our mission stops in its tracks. Thank you for your trust and support over these many years.