Orlando Region Launches Safety Communication Campaign “Safer, Stronger, Together” for Businesses & Residents to Combat COVID-19 Spread
Orlando, Fla. (June 26, 2020) – Today, at the annual State of the County address, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings launched a new regional communications campaign to further encourage business and resident participation in COVID-19 safety guidelines, and inviting consumers to positively support businesses that adhere to strong, visible safe measures.
The Safer, Stronger, Together campaign was developed at the request of the Mayor by two leading regional business organizations – Visit Orlando and the Orlando Economic Partnership – and solicited collaboration from over 100 local leaders including four Central Florida counties (Orange, Osceola, Lake and Seminole); the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force, large- and small-businesses, Central Florida media and healthcare executives.
The campaign includes a new website with resources and support for businesses; public service announcements in local television, radio, print and outdoor media; donated advertising space from local corporate partners; publicity and social media programs to involve residents; and support from local governments, businesses and regional associations to share the message on their own channels. It calls on residents and local businesses to “Do Their Part” for safety, making a personal promise to adhere to the guidelines that have been shown to reduce spread and show care and respect for others in our community.
“We need to model and lead by example, hold ourselves accountable and positively reinforce those who are doing it right,” said Mayor Demings. “We’ve developed a campaign that uses the power of our community to work together – as the need is so much larger than any one voice alone. We are a community that has a sense of togetherness and this challenge has brought us even closer. I ask each of you to join together in this effort.”
The campaign’s goal is to encourage businesses and residents to engage in recommended safety measures and be accountable for the safety of their community. Businesses will be provided support tools at www.DoYourPartORL.com to showcase their safety measures and share how they’re doing their part. Both businesses and residents will also be encouraged to take the “Orlando Promise,” a public commitment to responsibly follow the State and County guidelines for a safe and phased reopening.
“We all need to do our part and follow the guidelines set forth for reopening businesses. That includes wearing masks, regular hand-washing and social distancing,” said Tim Giuliani, Orlando Economic Partnership president and CEO. “By doing these things, we can build consumer confidence so our economy can recover, and fewer people have to suffer the consequences of Covid-19.”
“Orlando has proven itself a region dedicated to protecting the health and safety of its residents, workers and visitors. But we need everyone to share our commitment to safety by following the recommended guidelines while shopping, dining and exploring the region,” says George Aguel, Visit Orlando president and CEO.
Campaign resources and support for businesses are available in English, Spanish and Creole at www.DoYourPartORL.com including posters, website graphics, a social media toolkit (using #DoYourPartORL), and “Orlando Promise” materials and examples of businesses “Doing their Part.”
To inform and involve consumers, Orange County will highlight on their social and news media channels positive examples of businesses doing their part and encourage consumers to do the same through personal social media and online ratings platforms such as YELP.