1,000 Orlando area businesspeople needed to volunteer on April 27-29, 2025.

DECA’s International Career Development Conference will bring over 24,000 high school students and educators to Orlando this April, adding more than $55 million the economy and hospitality industry. High school students interested in entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and tourism, marketing, and management will convene at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando for DECA’s annual International Career Development Conference held April 27–29, 2025.

DECA student members had to qualify through previous competitions in one of DECA’s more than 60 competitive events based on industry and national curriculum standards in order to attend. During the conference, students will compete in role-plays, case studies and prepared business presentations in event categories such as Accounting, Integrated Marketing Campaign, Business Operations Research, Business Law and Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Fashion Merchandising, Hotel and Lodging Management, Project Management, Restaurant Management, Retail Merchandising, Sales Management, and Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

To make this conference a success, one thousand Orlando-area businesspeople who are supervisors, managers, directors and executives in the business, marketing, finance and hospitality and tourism fields are needed on Sunday, April 27; Monday, April 28; to serve as volunteer judges to evaluate high school students in DECA’s competitive events.

Orlando area businesspeople willing to volunteer their time and expertise should visit https://vhub.at/decaicdc2025 or contact Whitney Milbourne, DECA’s Partnership and Volunteer Manager, at (703) 860-5000 or volunteer@deca.org. No prior experience with DECA is required. Volunteer judges will receive on-site training, breakfast, lunch, and complimentary parking.

Give back and leave inspired, register to judge today!


DECA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. With over 300,000 members in 4,400 high school and college chapters, DECA operates in all 50 United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Germany. The United States Congress, the United States Department of Education and state, district and international departments of education authorize DECA’s programs. For more information about DECA, visit www.deca.org.