WOCC Board Supports the OCPS One Mill Ad Valorem Renewal

Published 07/07/2022 – Updated on 8/4/2022
The WOCC, as the collective voice for business leadership and community partnerships that advances a positive eco-system for the West Orange Community, analyzed the benefits of the continuation of the Orange County Public School one mil ad valorem for four more years. After much consideration and stakeholder input, the WOCC Board of Directors voted to support the OCPS one-mill ad valorem renewal. The funds generated by this tax will make sure that highly qualified teachers remain and programs outside the academic scope are enhanced and preserved, such as performing arts and athletics.
This is not a new tax; this one mil ad valorem began in 2010. If approved by voters, it will continue until June 30, 2027. Without a continuation of the one mill, OCPS will have $1,727 less in per-student funding than what pre-recession funding would provide today, adjusted for inflation. In addition, without an extension of the one mill, OCPS anticipates a 2023 budget reduction of $177 million which will impact many hundreds of teachers, academic programs, arts, and athletics.
This referendum will appear on the August 23 Primary Ballot. The WOCC Board of Directors encourages everyone to Vote Yes and support Orange County Public Schools.
Until then, to learn more about this initiative, please click here.